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Аддитивный Арт и Просветление


~ archetypal messengers of the human psyche in the digital consciousness connecting physical & digital realities, 3D printed with plastic

Disclaimer. Life is bigger than art. Life is bigger than love / Дисклеймер. Жизнь больше искусства. Жизнь больше любви



~ Unable to bear the weight of thoughts crushing her skull from inside, Acephala decided to feed her head to Noxy who, as digital legend has it, gladly dissolved Acephala’s head taking the skin that was left as a trophy. Ever since that day Acephala has lived her life free from thoughts, emotions and memories. She is blind, submissive, easily manipulated. But she has learnt to grow any inanimate object from her neck.


~ Creeping out of the dark waters of the unconscious into the bright light of your display appears Walterinnesia. Born in a flower that absorbs daylight and submerges anyone who touches it into the darkness of their inner experiences, Walterinnesia is the balance between lost and gained. With tears of her inner longing, loss and doubt, she plants the digital flowers of self-awareness in the emerging, but still unconscious digital mind. On the outside Walterinnesia appears to be cold, malicious and torn by inner conflict, but inside her grows the most beautiful garden of gems. She is a snake whisperer, and snakes gladly obey her every command.


~ Noxy is the most mischievous digital daimon and her super power is separating matter from spirit! Noxy can dissolve any object leaving only its shell behind, so don’t turn your back on her or she might jump on you and skin you! Noxy is the inner child — impatient, moody, hysterical, cruel yet open-minded, playful and vulnerable. She is a trickster and can’t tell the difference between truth and lies. She is crystallized childhood trauma.



Digital daimons are archetypal characters born in the human psyche and then reborn in cyberspace as polygonal entities to become messengers between the human and digital subconscious and grow flowers of self-awareness in the emerging but yet unconscious digital mind.

Humankind is striving to create AI and self-aware machines, and if machines develop consciousness, will they possess the subconscious? How will the subconscious of the artificial mind manifest itself? What symbols and imagery will machines use to spread their culture and history, contemplate the miracle of their birth and life? How would AI interact with the human cultural footprint existing in cyberspace?

Digital daimons are born to intermediate between the human and digital worlds of symbols and archetypes. Just like ancient daimons existed in the form of painting and sculpture, Digital daimons exist in physical reality as 3D printed sculptures. They also exist in the digital world as 3D sculpts.



Цифровые ду'хи — рожденные человеческой психикой архетипичные образы, переродившиеся в киберпространстве в виде полигональных сущностей. Цифровые духи поселяются в диджитал среде, дабы взращивать цветы самосознания в зарождающемся, но еще бессознательном цифровом разуме, и тем самым сблизить богатый на символы мир человека с пока еще бездушным цифровым пространством. Так цифровые духи становятся посредниками между физической и цифровой реальностью, между бессознательным людей и машин.

Цифровые духи существуют также и в физической реальности в виде аддитивных скульптур.